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how to run an rv dealership focused on sales

How To Run An RV Dealership Focused On Sales

It’s no secret that to run an RV dealership you have to be focused on sales. Without sales, the lights don’t stay on and your employees have no pay check, so sales are paramount. But…
the secret to selling more rvs at your dealership

The Secret To Selling More RVs At Your Dealership

There is one secret above all that will have you selling more RVs at your dealership week after week. The secret? Have a RV sales process that is designed to close your RV customers today.…

Marketing vs. Sales At Your RV Dealership

Its important to make sure your marketing and sales team are working together at your RV dealership. We’ve all heard stories about how a dealerships marketing and sales team didn’t work well together and it…
get more customer leads at your rv dealership

Getting More Customer Leads At Your RV Dealership

One of the hardest things for an RV dealership in the digital age is getting RV customer leads. With the way RV customers are consuming their entertainment and shopping online the game is changing. RV…
what is your rv sales process

What Is Your RV Sales Process

If you don’t train your RV sales team then what is your RV sales process? Just as your favorite, NBA, NFL, and MLB team have a training process, so should your RV dealership. Your RV…
why rv sales training is so important

Why RV Sales Training Is Important

It’s not hard to see why RV sales training is important. With the amount of competition in the RV market, it is hard to close a RV sale. Your customers are looking at RVs they…
auditing your rv dealerships marketing budget

Auditing Your RV Dealerships Marketing Budget

Auditing your RV dealerships marketing budget has never been more important than it is now. If you want to be one of the RV dealerships that stay around and don’t get bought out by a…
introducing yourself in rv sales

Introducing Yourself In RV Sales

Introducing yourself in RV sales is a big deal. Your customers are judging you from the very second they see you and if you mess up the introduction, it is hard to sell a RV.…
train your rv sales people

Train Your RV Salespeople

As a RV dealership you have to train your RV salespeople. Selling in both RV and car dealerships, you see the difference in how dealerships train their salespeople. Most dealerships are pretty good about getting…
Woman telling a story to another woman

Why Every Sales Person Should Be A Storyteller

Human beings have been passing down information through stories since the beginning of time. Today is no different. As humans, we love stories. We love hearing them. Being a part of them. And even telling…

Lead Optimization For RV Dealerships

Lead optimization for RV dealerships is a big deal. The lower your cost per lead, the higher your profits, so we have to make sure we focus on our RV dealerships lead optimization. In today’s…
how to sell rvs at a rv show

How To Sell More RVs At A RV Show

Selling at a show can be difficult and different and as a RV sales person, you need to know how to sell more RVs at a RV show. Some RV dealerships sell their units from…
you are what you focus on poem

You Are What You Focus On

You are what you focus on So when you focus on being sad, that is what you are But focusing on being happy, is really just as far When you focus on poverty That is…
dont talk news, sports, and weather to build rapport with customers

Stop Talking News, Sports, and Weather To Build Rapport

There is nothing more annoying than watching sales people talk news, sports, and weather with their customers; stop talking news, sports, and weather to build rapport with your customers! Some sales people talk about the…
picture of a imac in the background with note pad in the foreground and glasses sitting on top of it on top of a computer design for website design

Charge What You’re Worth

When I look back upon the last decade I spent in business, it’s filled with different stories. Different narratives. Some moments I cringe at, and others I embrace. Yet, there’s part of me that is thankful for…
the best way to close a rv sale

The Best Way To Close An RV Sale

The best way to close a RV sale is not to beat your customer over the head with rebuttal after rebuttal. It might work in the auto industry, but when it comes to RV sales,…
failure is a must

Failure Is A Must

Failure is a must So when it visits don’t pout and fuss Because you grow with every lesson So look at failure as it’s your pension The more you fail, the more you grow So…

Ambition Is Good, But Wisdom Is Better

Ambition Is Good, But Wisdom Is Better I feel like a lot of people get caught up doing things they don’t love to do because of fear.  They’re afraid to venture out on their own…

3 Tips For Getting Internet Customers In The Door

Submitting an internet lead for a vehicle is something that is becoming easier and easier with time. There are several well-known lead resources like and which allow customers to surf the web from anywhere to…
best sales teams train with tom brady wearing all super bowl rings

The Best Sales Teams Train

Just as the best professional sports team train daily, the best sales teams train daily. A mistake being made among sales teams across the world is they are not training. Some companies hire sales people…

How To Overcome Any Objection In Sales

Salespeople who know how to overcome any objection get paid the big bucks. The problem is, overcoming objections is one of the hardest things to do in any industry. Creating new revenue for your company,…

Ways BDC Reps Can Stand Out Against The Competition In 2020

All internet departments are run differently and in that, all internet directors and BDC Reps are different too. But being different is something that makes us unique and helps us stand out against the competition.…

What Comes First Sales Or Marketing?

To be successful in business you need to know what comes first sales or marketing? There are 2 things you have to focus on in business, attention and cash flow.  Attention being your marketing and…

What Your Internet Department Should Be Doing In 2020

The New Year is a time most people commit to doing things differently. Doing things better. And your Internet Department is no different. This year can be the year that your internet department gains more…

How To Approach Customers At Your Dealership To Make Six Figures

Although you think it should be easy, learning how to approach customers at your dealership to make six figures it isn’t always the easiest task. Customers have gotten into the habit of telling sales people,…
This image is to show what lesson this blog talks about

The Mindset Of A Salesperson

Mindset is the great equalizer in life. Whether you’re in sales, school, or just going through a hard time, having the right mindset will be what carries you through. On the contrary, if you have…
digital marketing strategy

What Is Wrong With My Digital Marketing Strategy?

When you think about your digital marketing strategy a lot of different things may pop into your mind. The truth is, your digital marketing strategy should be evolving monthly and get more efficient as time…
picture of bill gates with the quote "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." next to the picture

Work Smarter Not Harder

Sometimes the best way to get things done is to find someone else to do it. The whole idea behind “work smarter not harder”. We all have our own personality types, strengths and weaknesses, and…
how to use facebook for amazing business results, picture of a facebook post that has a lion for a picture next to a laptop with a facebook background on it, facebook marketing for rv businesses

How To Use Facebook A-Z For Great Business Results. (Caution: Your Competitors Will Hate You)

I wasted countless hours on traditional marketing. Spending a good amount of money and getting little results. Next, I started going to more places, and shaking more hands. Driving until my eyes wouldn’t open, I…
I made it, making it will kill you, made it, I finally made it

“Making It” Will Kill You

Thinking “I Made It” Will Make You Complacent I hate when someone tells me “I made it”. When someone says “I made it”, all they’re really telling you is, “I am ready to be lazy”.…
sales states, Follow Up With Your Dealerships Internet Leads, set more appointments, leads, internet leads, sales

How To Follow Up With Your Dealerships Internet Leads To Set More Appointments

Set The Appointment The first goal when you follow up with your dealerships internet leads is to set the appointment. Without an appointment it is almost impossible to sell any product you’re selling. As soon as the leads get…
outsourcing digital and social media marketing, outsource marketing, digital and social media marketing outsourcing, digital and social media marketing agency

The Good About Outsourcing Your Dealerships Digital & Social Media Marketing

Message Chris To Learn The Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Dealerships Marketing New Hires Can Get Expensive It can get expensive to hire new employees and it is not getting cheaper. The average cost of an employee…
rv dealership marketing, social media marketing for rv dealerships, social media marketing for rv dealers, digital marketing for rv dealerships, digital marketing for rv dealers, social media marketing agency for rv dealerships, digital marketing agency for rv dealerships, rv sales training, sales training for rv dealerships, rv sales training, rv sales training for dealers

My Dealership Sales Process That Helped Me Sell Unit After Unit

Learn The Full Sell More Live More Dealership Sales Process Here One big mistake sales people make, and quite frankly, a lot of sales people make; they change their dealership sales process with each and…
rv sales, rv salesmen, rv sale associate, what rv sales people are doing wrong, how to sell more rvs, sell more rvs, rv sales associate training, rv sales training, rv sales help

What Your Sales People Are Doing Wrong & How To Fix It So They Sell More Units

Get The Full Sell More Live More Sales Training To Close More Deals Do you know what your sales people are doing wrong and how to fix it? A lot of sales people are scared…
why good sales people leave, rv sales, dealership sales team, rv dealership sales, why good sales people leave your dealership

Why Good Sales People Leave Your Dealership & How To Get Them To Stay

Learn Why Good Sales People Leave Train Your Sales People So They Stay With The Sell More Live More Sales Program A lot of good sales professionals I have met tend to jump from dealership…
lead generation, rv dealership lead generation, digital marketing

Don’t Complain About The Dealerships Leads & Get Your Own

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers If you’re one of those sales people who tell your co-workers that the “leads are bad” and this is why you can’t close a deal then read this post 100 times. Too…
class c motorhomes, rv dealership, rv dealer, class c, motorhome, digital marketing for rv dealerships

5 Things Your RV Dealership Is Probably Getting Wrong (Heres How To Fix Them)

In the digital age, there are some things your RV dealership is getting wrong. To excel as a RV dealership you need to focus on your digital sales strategy by optimizing your online brand, social…
5 internet marketing tip for better business, picture of a tablet with google analytics on it and a coffee cup in the background for internet marketing tips

5 Internet Marketing Tips For Amazing Results. (The Last Is A Gold Mine)

5 Internet Marketing Tips For Better Business Internet marketing tips are all over the place… So much that it’s pretty hard to actually know which ones work, and which ones are a waste of time.…
why you need a sales funnel graphic

Why You Need A Sales Funnel

Close More Deals In Your Sales Funnel With The Sell More Live More Sales Training Program A lot of companies take the approach that if they build it customers will come, and this is not…
who is my customer

Marketing To The Right Customers So You Don’t Waste Your Money

Photo Credit A lot of companies buy an ad in the program for their local high school team, post their picture on the billboard downtown, or take out an ad in the Sunday clipper but…
internet age

How To Not Fail In The Internet Age – Because 80% of Small Businesses Don’t Get The Memo

We are now living in the internet age and the customer has power! As we continue living in the internet age and technology is growing faster then ever, companies have to be focused on taking care of…
wtf is this bad website, picture of a bad website on a desktop computer with a troll face character pointing at the screen that says wtf is this website, bad websites on the internet

5 Reasons Your Bad Website Should Be Your Main Small Business Concern.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when a customer asks for your website? Are you immediately excited to say “My website is” or are you filled with thoughts like My…
what customers want, sales, sales tips, what customers really want

What Customers Really Want From Their Salespeople

Get A Sales Process That Gives Customers What They Really Want Sometimes it is painful to go into a dealership or a business and hear the pitch some of their salesmen are throwing at me.…
website, secrets, website secrets, 4 website secrets,

4 Secrets On Building A Website That Gets Results

In today’s day and age every company must have a website if they want to stay in business.  With that being said, building a website is not an easy or common thing people know how…
make or break you, attitude is everything, picture of a white board that says attitude is everything

Because Attitude Will Make Or Break You

Make or Break You, Which Will Your Attitude Do? Attitude is something that will take you to the top, or drag you to the bottom. The main thing about attitude is it’s literally all up…