Tag: sell more live more

what is your rv sales process

What Is Your RV Sales Process

If you don’t train your RV sales team then what is your RV sales process? Just as your favorite, NBA, NFL, and MLB team have a training process, so should your RV dealership. Your RV…
why rv sales training is so important

Why RV Sales Training Is Important

It’s not hard to see why RV sales training is important. With the amount of competition in the RV market, it is hard to close a RV sale. Your customers are looking at RVs they…
introducing yourself in rv sales

Introducing Yourself In RV Sales

Introducing yourself in RV sales is a big deal. Your customers are judging you from the very second they see you and if you mess up the introduction, it is hard to sell a RV.…
train your rv sales people

Train Your RV Salespeople

As a RV dealership you have to train your RV salespeople. Selling in both RV and car dealerships, you see the difference in how dealerships train their salespeople. Most dealerships are pretty good about getting…
dont talk news, sports, and weather to build rapport with customers

Stop Talking News, Sports, and Weather To Build Rapport

There is nothing more annoying than watching sales people talk news, sports, and weather with their customers; stop talking news, sports, and weather to build rapport with your customers! Some sales people talk about the…
the best way to close a rv sale

The Best Way To Close An RV Sale

The best way to close a RV sale is not to beat your customer over the head with rebuttal after rebuttal. It might work in the auto industry, but when it comes to RV sales,…

How To Overcome Any Objection In Sales

Salespeople who know how to overcome any objection get paid the big bucks. The problem is, overcoming objections is one of the hardest things to do in any industry. Creating new revenue for your company,…
This image is to show what lesson this blog talks about

The Mindset Of A Salesperson

Mindset is the great equalizer in life. Whether you’re in sales, school, or just going through a hard time, having the right mindset will be what carries you through. On the contrary, if you have…