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5 Things Your RV Dealership Is Probably Getting Wrong (Heres How To Fix Them)

In the digital age, there are some things your RV dealership is getting wrong. To excel as a RV dealership you need to focus on your digital sales strategy by optimizing your online brand, social media, and digital marketing.

A Digital Sales Strategy is the strategy your company uses to create more relevant leads for your dealership using your website, digital marketing, and social media.

Get Better RV Sales Training, Sell More RVs

In the digital age, your customers are becoming online shoppers, and because of this many dealerships are leaving money on the table. For the last 20 years RV dealers have been marketing to their customers using traditional marketing and has worked wonders


Not anymore. If you want to run a successful RV Dealership you have to focus on digital. Today you can’t just have newspaper ads, billboards, and TV commercials if you want to sell more RVs. Your RV dealership is getting wrong your digital sales strategy if you’re still focused on traditional marketing.

RV dealers across the nation are selling more RV’s than ever because of their online brand and digital marketing. If this is not your RV dealership than use these tips to better your digital sales strategy and start selling more RVs.

Here are 5 tips any RV dealership can use to better your Digital Sales Strategy

1) Stop Giving Away Your Price For Nothing

One thing your RV dealership is getting wrong is giving away your price for nothing in return.

Now, think of this…

If 1 Million people come to your website today, and none of them give you their contact information or come to your dealership, can you start the buying process with any of them?

Can a sale happen before a sales associates takes a lead through your buying process?

Get Better At Your RV Sales Process

No… Every Sale Must Go Through The Buying Process

Therefore, it’s a huge mistake to give your customer the price without taking their information (Name, Email, & Phone). Remember those 1 Million viewers you just had on your website? What if just 1% of them gave you their contact information?

Your RV Dealership would have 10,000 warm leads for your sales team. If you close 8% of those warm leads you would have sold 800 RVs! Not to shabby huh?

But, How Do You Get Customer’s To Give You Their Information Without Giving Them Your Price?

In the RV industry people are shopping nationwide for the best value and for the right floor plans. Once a customer finds the RV and floor plan that will provide them with the most value, they next go online and search for the dealer with the best price.

Sell More RVs With The Sell More Live More RV Sales Training

You might be thinking, “This is exactly why I am showing my price, why are you saying it’s wrong?”

Your RV dealership is getting it wrong because customers will use your price as a negotiating tool to beat down closer dealers who have the same products as you without ever giving you an opportunity to earn their business -AND- prospects aren’t curious about your price so they have no reason to inquire or give you their information.

For example, if your selling price is $25,000, you can cross out $25,500 as a sale price with a call to action button making them give you their information for the lowest price.

As you see in the example below one of our clients uses “Rock Bottom Pricing” as the call to action to get their customers information, because remember, if we never get their information we can’t take them through the buying process.

Now, if a buyer is serious about a RV and they see that your price is competitive but they don’t know the exact price, curiosity will take over and a call to action button will entice them to give you their info in exchange for your lowest price.

Close More Of Your RV Customer Leads With Sell More Live More RV Sales Training

Once you get their info, your sales team now has a warm lead they can follow up with and hopefully they’re good enough to convert the lead into a sale.

On top of creating more leads, and sales for your dealership this will also help because…

  • Your competition will not know your exact pricing just by going to your website.
  • Your prospects can’t use your price as a negotiating chip at other RV dealerships that carry the same product but are closer.
  • More of your traffic will convert into warm leads instead of wasted traffic.

If you are giving away your pricing for nothing your RV dealership is getting it wrong.

  • You lose potential sales because you’re not efficiently turning your traffic into leads and a lot of buyers never make it into your sales process
  • Customers are using your price to get better deals at closer dealerships who have the same products so they don’t have to talk to you or travel to your location
  • Your competition has a pricing advantage over you because they know your numbers and can adjust their approach because of it

Stop giving away your price for nothing and start converting more of your traffic into leads and sales!

2) No Active Social Media or Facebook Ad Campaigns

One of the next HUGE mistakes a lot of RV dealership is getting wrong is they have no active Social Media presence and they’re not using Facebook ads. If you ask a business owner why they invest in TV commercials, ads, billboards and everything else, they will usually tell you something like, “It’s where my customers are.”

Get More RV Customers To Say, Yes

People spend around 5 hours a day on their cell phone which is the same amount of time people spend watching television. 1.28 Billion people will log into Facebook daily and the user rate is growing at an alarming rate. Out of the 5 hours your customers are spending on their phone daily, 2 of those hours are spent just on social media. Beside the fact that your customers are on social media; your advertising dollar can go a lot further on a digital platform than any other, which will help lower your customer acquisition cost if done properly.

Why aren’t you marketing on Facebook again?

With more and more consumers moving in the way of an “internet shopper” the way people are buying has changed. Consumers are looking for companies online who are active and who have good reviews. They’re messaging companies on Facebook to ask questions before they will give you their business and some of them won’t even think about coming to your dealership if you’re not on social media (its a trust thing).

By implementing a daily social media marketing campaign for your dealership you will start to build online authority and trust. Your customers will have another channel for them to talk to you on and you will have another channel that will help your dealership capture a warm lead.

Some buyers prefer to walk into your dealership, some prefer to call your dealership, and others prefer to shop the internet before they will buy. If you’re not allowing your customers to buy from all of these different platforms then you’re leaving money on the table! If you start using social media the right way and start running Facebook ads for your dealership, you will be surprised at the results… and that surprise will probably be a good one.

Get more in depth on this topic in one of our other articles:

what customers really wants from a salesmen, what customers want, sales talk

3) Not Enough Videos

People are getting spoiled with the amount of video they have access too and they are looking up videos on everything so if you’re not using video than your RV dealership is getting it wrong. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and you can go “live” directly from your dealership using just a cell phone but most dealerships aren’t using video to their advantage. So if you’re not using video than your RV dealership is getting it wrong.These tools are FREE and will create new business for your dealership, yet a lot of dealers are ignoring video completely and it is costing them cashflow.

As a dealership, your goal should be to put a video up for every single RV that ever hits your lot. By adding videos of all your products you will start to get traffic from places you haven’t got it before. Customers who are searching the internet for good videos on the products they’re looking for might land on your dealerships videos and before you know it you have a warm internet lead all because you have high quality video of your products.

Not only is video strong for Facebook and YouTube but it is also really strong in your personal follow up as a sales associate. One of the strongest things you can do as a sales associate is texting your clients personalized video messages of the RV’s they’re looking at.

For example: If I was a RV sales associate and I just received an internet lead from a customer who is looking at the XYZ. I would go out to that RV, shoot a personalized video of RV XYZ and I would text it right over to them. I would also address them personally in the beginning and put my face in there so they can put a face to my name. As you start using this you will find it to be a strong follow up tool and it’ll help you sell more RVs.

Mediocre sales associates always want to send email after email but let me ask you this, how many emails are unread in your inbox right now? How many emails get sent directly into your spam that you never see? How many of your emails are skipped over because we get hundreds of emails a day and its impossible to keep up with? A lot of them I am sure because I personally have 5,000+ unread emails on just my phone and I would guess your inbox is very similar.

Now ask yourself this question, how many unread text messages are sitting in your phone? The answer is probably zero because people always read their text messages and it will bug them if they don’t. Use this to your advantage and stop sending emails your customers aren’t going to read and start sending them text messages (Or preferably, send them an email and a text). Send them text videos of units they’re looking at or text them asking for an appointment. The more you start using videos and text to communicate with your customers the more RV’s you will sell!

Sell More RVs This Year With Sell More Live More

One of our clients didn’t have a YouTube channel before they started to use us for their marketing and it was costing them a lot sales. By creating a video for every RV that hits their lot and some informational videos, we have been able to upload close to 1,000 videos and they’re approaching 1,000 subscribers, and these numbers are growing every day. With all of the videos we have created, this dealership has approximately 2 million minutes watched on their YouTube channel all from videos that you can create and upload for FREE.

These videos build a lot of trust with their customers because they get to see the exact RV they’re looking at before they come to the dealership and these videos have been the difference in a lot of their sales. Videos have also been a big part of the reason why people come from all over the nation to purchase from this dealership and if you’re not using video then you’re wrong!

What are your videos and YouTube channel doing for your dealership?

4) No Engaging or Valuable Content Creation

In today’s digital age it is important to create ENGAGING and VALUABLE content or your RV dealership is getting it wrong.

Think about the websites that you come to and use everyday. To name a few, Google, Facebook and YouTube. The reason you use these websites daily is because they provide you with a ton of value and new things are added daily that we’re interested in and want to engage with. There are a couple key take away from this. They provide you with value, they’re doing it daily, and you want to engage with them.

You have to turn your RV dealerships website into a resources that your customers can use on a daily basis. What does that mean? You can’t always advertise sales, products, and services to your customers!!! Dealerships have to provide their customers with valuable and engaging content that will make them WANT to interact with your dealership. You can do this by building an awesome blog and by adding new articles weekly or by running social media campaigns that are designed to add value to your customers while engaging them. There are a lot of ways to do it but the main thing you need to understand is you have to provide value and engage.

Close More Of Your RV Customer Leads

We all see 90% of dealerships Facebook pages that are all about showing you the sales they have going on, the new products that hit the lot, and the “just purchased” picture with their customers, but they never seem to provide you with any engaging or quality content. This is a huge mistake!

Most of the dealerships Facebook’s pages out there are boring and people unfollow them quick. Nobody comes to Facebook to be advertised to 24/7. Think about it, we use TIVO now because we want to fast forward the commercials. We use apps like Netflix and Hulu because we want to watch our shows with no ads. The same thing is true about your dealerships Facebook business page. If all you’re doing is advertising without providing your customers with valuable and engaging content then you’re wasting your time and energy.

At IMR we use a rule of 80% social and 20% advertising. This means that for every 10 pieces of content we share, 8 of them will be geared towards our ideal customer simply for fun and engagement while 2 pieces of content will be promoting sales or products. When you start to build a Facebook business page or marketing campaign this way you will start to see more interaction from your followers, you will see more new likes on a daily basis and you will see more leads coming from your social media and digital marketing.

Download our PDF 5 Facebook Strategies To Increase Page Likes and learn how to have a more engaging Facebook page.

5) Your Sales Team Is Not Using Live Video

There are very few dealerships out there who are using live video to promote their products and I don’t understand why. By adding your sales team to your Facebook Business Page they can go live at your dealership directly from their cell phone at any given minute.

This is HUGE because consumers want to see more social media posts and videos and Facebook Live checks both of these boxes.

Learn How To Close More Deals Than Ever

Instead of letting your sales members sit at their desk and scroll Facebook (like a lot of them are guilty of) make them go out on the lot and start shooting live video. Have them go live from your dealerships page and ask customers which RV’s they want to see and use live video to bring in qualified leads. Your sales team can use live video to get their face out there as a sales associate so people know who to ask for when they come to the lot and it will bring you leads you’ve never had before.

By simply going live for an hour and asking your Facebook fans what RV’s they want to see you will start to build trust with your customers. They will see you’re willing to provide them value and show them RV’s they’re interested in before they come to your dealership and it’s a good way to get leads. A lot of the people watching your live stream will even start to ask you buying questions like

  • Do you guys take trade ins?
  • Do you guys finance?
  • What is a monthly payment on an RV like that?
  • Where are you located?

As you start getting buying questions and qualified leads directly through Facebook Live you can then DM them to get their cell phone and email for proper follow up and boom you have a warm lead.

The other benefit of this is, IT’S FREE FOR YOUR DEALERSHIP!!!

Get Better Sales Training For Your RV Sales Team

It has never been easier to make your marketing dollars stretch in business. By using social media and all of the free tools we have at our exposure, dealerships can really ramp up their marketing and save money at the same time. One of our clients we implemented a digital marketing campaign for spent 80k less on their marketing than the previous year while selling more RV’s then they have in the 45+ years they’ve been in business.

By simply switching your marketing budget from old techniques and traditional marketing into a digital marketing and social media campaign you will see double the results for typically less money than you’re used to spending.

Start taking advantage of live video and see how it helps your dealership and sales team sell more RVs. You will thank me for it later.

Want more tips on better digital marketing for your dealership? Read our blog 5 Internet Marketing Tips For Better Business

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About the author : Christopher Paulino

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