3 Tips For Getting Internet Customers In The Door

Submitting an internet lead for a vehicle is something that is becoming easier and easier with time. There are several well-known lead resources like Cars.com and Edmunds.com which allow customers to surf the web from anywhere to find the perfect vehicle. Once these customers submit their information on a vehicle, it is usually the job of a BDC Rep or Internet Manager to try to get them in the door. However, with the automotive industry growing more and more competitive each day, this can be easier said than done. So in this blog, I give you my top 3 tips for getting internet customers in the door.

Grow Your Dealership With More Internet Leads

Call Quickly

Don’t be slow to dial. Make sure you are calling the lead RIGHT AFTER they submit their info. Getting an internet lead into the dealership is often determined by how quickly the first response comes. Depending on the website they submitted their information to, other dealerships might be calling them too. This means you need to make sure you are on point with your calls and doing your best to call them right when the call comes in. The quicker you are, the better the chance of connecting before your competition does. So don’t be lax, have the alerts sent to your email, cell phone, and computer screen to make sure you don’t miss a beat.

Be Creative and Precise With Your Contact Efforts

Make sure you are calling the fresh leads at least two times the first day they come in. Depending on the time that they come in, you want to make sure you call them at least twice during your shift. If you are working a split shift that day, I’d recommend having a Salesperson call for you after you leave. I understand some BDC Reps might quiver at the thought of this, but I assure you that having a salesperson in your corner to help is something you want. If your dealership doesn’t have this option yet, be sure to ask your Manager about adding it as soon as possible. 

The main thing is just doing your best to connect with the lead before they connect with someone else. Two calls, a text (if they’ve opted in), along with two emails on the first day should suffice. You could also go above and beyond and shoot them a message on social media or Facetime / Skype them. This is a creative way to contact and will also make you stand out against the competition.

Don’t Give Away The Farm In The First Email

Don’t give away the farm in the first email. Everyone submitting a lead expects to get a reply but in that, this doesn’t always mean they want the price upfront. So if they don’t ask for it, don’t give it to them until they do.

It’s important to do everything you can to get them in the dealership without being too specific on the pricing. Obviously, if there are specific comments in the original lead submission, I would do my best to answer those in a “roundabout way”. For example, if they submitted their information on a 2020 Hyundai Sonata SEL I would try to get them on the phone AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to do a needs assessment.

A needs assessment will allow you to see what they REALLY want as opposed to the unit they submitted their information on. So in this, you can escape the direct price question they may have asked about in their original lead submission. This allows you the chance to make numerous points of contact before handing away the price.

The more you train on the phone the easier it will be to divert these direct price questions in exchange for more information about your prospect. If you feel you’re not there yet, try getting some extra training on the phones to help you achieve this goal. 

The field of automotive internet sales is becoming more and more competitive with each passing day. With that being said, I believe these 3 tips for getting internet customers in the door will help you book more appointments and sell more cars.

Until Next Time, Stay Pushing, 
Tia Lentini 

Questions about Internet Strategy or my article? Let’s chat! Send me an email at tia@infinitemediaresources.com.

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