lead generation, rv dealership lead generation, digital marketing

Don’t Complain About The Dealerships Leads & Get Your Own

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

If you’re one of those sales people who tell your co-workers that the “leads are bad” and this is why you can’t close a deal then read this post 100 times. Too many sales associates complain about the dealership leads they’re provided yet they never do anything to bring their own leads, and it’s silly to even think about.

Now, I will agree that it is a dealerships job to give their sales associates plenty of leads so they can fill their pipeline and close more deals.

However, I do not think it is fair for sales associates to take the leads a dealership is creating for them and not follow up with them properly or write them off as a non buyer before they’ve even qualified them. Sales associates have to do a better job of implementing at least an 18 month follow up process with their customers to ensure they don’t leave any money on the table; and realistically the longer the follow up process the better.

Side Note: It is a good practice to still follow up with your customers even after you’ve made the sale.

Now, Instead of looking at dealer supplied leads as wasted time and non buyers, start to implement your sales and follow up process with them for days, weeks, months, and years on end.

Start Generating Your Own Dealership Leads

On top of implementing a solid follow up and sales process with your dealerships leads, you should also start to do your own lead generation.

With a cell phone and the free tools that you have at your finger tips, it is easier than ever to generate leads for yourself.

As a sales associate you can take the already existing pictures of your units (Hopefully they are HD) and you can add your own unit postings on sites like Craigslist.org. You can also have your most recent customers tag you on Facebook and have them give you a review so their friends and family can see who they bought their unit from. There are a lot of powerful tools out there… use them!

One thing a lot of dealerships are missing out on is Facebook Live. Sales associates should start using their dealerships Facebook pages to go “Live” as a way to generate more leads and trust with your customers.

This is also good because it gives your sales team a great platform to demo your units on and is live directly to your customers.

Here Is An Example Of A Facebook Live We Shot For A Dealership

In the digital age there is no excuse for sales associates to not be generating at least some of their own leads, and as technology grows, the need for these types of sales professionals is going to rise. With cell phones, websites, and digital marketing growing quicker then ever; it is a sales persons job to stay up-to-date on the newest and best lead generation and digital sales strategies so they can help their dealerships and companies grow instead of holding them back.

Stop complaining about the leads and start creating them!

what customers really want from a salesmen, sales talk, what customer want

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About the author : Christopher Paulino

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