I made it, making it will kill you, made it, I finally made it

“Making It” Will Kill You

Thinking “I Made It” Will Make You Complacent

I hate when someone tells me “I made it”.

When someone says “I made it”, all they’re really telling you is, “I am ready to be lazy”.

I am not trying to hate on someone for their accomplishments, but I bring this up because “I made it” makes people complacent and kills their growth.

The idea of “making it” means that you see nothing more to go after. It means that you’ve stopped growing and you’re resting on your laurels, and this is no bueno.

The end goal for me is living the life I want to live and always pursuing greatness.

I am not saying I don’t have milestones I want to reach in my career and life, but what I am saying is I am never going to “make it”.

I continue to work hard daily and pursue my dreams not for the idea of “making it” one day, but for the idea that I am always striving to get better no matter what I accomplished today.

As one day ends, a new one will begin, and that means new opportunities will show themselves.

You have to be ready to take advantage of these opportunities.

If you “make it”, you will stop looking for new opportunities and you will shut yourself off to future growth.

“Making It” will make you complacent and stagnate and eventually you will look back only to regret that you didn’t try to accomplish more.

Charge after your goals and accomplish everything you want in life, and when you accomplish that, go accomplish more, because the day you “make it” is the day you die.

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By Published On: November 19th, 2017Categories: self help0 Comments on “Making It” Will Kill YouTags:

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About the author : Christopher Paulino

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