Watch This Episode Of Dealership Digest On How To Overcome Objections In Dealership Sales

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In This Episode Of Dealership Digest You Will Learn:

  • Overcoming Objections At Your Dealership To Close More Sales
  • Side Stepping Objections To Avoid Arguing w/ Your Customer
  • A Word Track You Can Use To Overcome Any Objection

Overcoming objections in dealership sales is a must if you want to close deals. Your customers will always have an objection and to be a top performer you have to overcome them. 

Customers come to your dealership and inquire about your products because they're ready to make a change. However, the reason your customers have objections is because they're scared of change. 

Learn To Get Your Customers To Make The Change w/ Sell More Live More Sales Training

For salespeople this means you have to get your customers to see why buying your unit will add value to their life and bring positive change. If you can't get customers to see how buying your product will add value and bring positive change then you will have a lot of customers walk off the lot without writing a deal.

The best way to overcome objections in dealership sales to get your customer to change is to sell towards their emotions and not argue with them. 

When you use a rebuttal sales style like taught in a lot of training, your customers will get defensive and argumentative. 

Stop Arguing w/ Your Customers Using The Sell More Live More Sales Training Program

When you side step their objections and go back to selling towards their emotions, you will get your customer to see why change is needed today. 

When you rebuttal your customer and butt heads with them, you will have a tough time closing a deal.

 The best word track I have learned to side step an objection is, "I hear what you're saying but let me ask you this?". I have used this word track in countless deals to side step an objection and get back to what really matters. My customers emotions. 

When you are able to use this word track to side step your customers objections and go back to closing towards their emotions, you will close more deals and get past more no's.

Turn More No's Into Yes's Using The Sell More Live More Sales Training Program

When you let your customers walk off the lot without penning a deal you will have a long and painful sales career.

Learn how to overcome objections in dealership sales  and start turning those no's into yes's!

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