RV Sales Training

For The New Age of RV Sales

RV Sales Training that is not out dated can be difficult to find, which is why this page focuses on giving you our advice on the new style of RV Sales Training. Below are 6 of the top RV sales questions asked, or you can continue scrolling down to see all of our RV sales questions.

rv dealership sales training

Below are the most asked questions about RV Sales Training

What Is New RV Sales Training?

New RV sales training is sales training that is designed to help RV sales people sell more RVs. Having an RV sales process is a must if you want to be a top producing RV sales person and this is what we talk about in our New RV Sales Training. We go over RV sales tactics like setting your intentions early, explaining your buying process, and asking the right questions to truly learn about your customers needs and wants. Once we learn our customers true needs we then use the Sell More Live More RV Sales Process to close the deal and sell more RVs.

When you pair our Sell More Live More New RV Sales Training with internet traffic and customer leads, you will start to sell more RVs month after month.

This is why in our new RV sales training we focus on how to sell to the new consumer by:

  • Properly greeting your customer and explaining your buying process.
  • Interviewing and qualifying our customer to learn their true wants.
  • Closing towards your customer rewards instead of closing with rebuttals.
  • How to follow up with your customers properly and build rapport.
  • Word tracks to overcome objections by looping back.
  • And so much more!

Does A RV Sales Person Make Good Money?

According to Indeed.com a RV Sales person makes an average of $54,246 per year, with the highest paid being around $108,132 per year. Some of the best cities to be a RV Sales Person are New York, Phoenix, San Antonio, Houston, Tampa, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Dallas because they all average over $60,000 per year.

Therefore a RV Sales Person can make good money compared to many other sales professions with the same requirements. Being an RV Sales Person can be very rewarding if you’re closing sales but can be tough if you’re new to sales and don’t have a good sales process.

What Is The Right RV Sales Process?

The right RV Sales process is the Sell More Live More RV Sales Process because it has been used by RV sales people to make over 6 figures and can do the same for any RV sales person. The SMLM RV Sales Process is the perfect sales process for RV sales people because it takes your RV customers through a seamless sales process that is designed to get them to buy an RV today. So no matter if your RV buyer is on their 5 year plan, or if your RV customer “isn’t buying today”, with the Sell More Live More RV Sales training process you can get that buyer to close on the same day.

By following the Sell More Live More RV Sales process, you will learn how to set your intentions early, explain your buying process, interview and qualify your customers, ask the right questions to learn about your customers true wants and learn how to overcome any objection by looping back.

With the right RV sales process, any sales person can be a cold blooded closer, but if you don’t have a strong RV sales process, you will struggle to close deals.

What Is The Best Way To Sell A Used RV?

The best way to sell a used RV is by using the internet. With tools like Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and other online listing sites, you can market your used RV to a lot of potential buyers.

Some RV dealerships will even sell your used RV as a consignment. What this means is a RV dealership will sell your RV for you for a small fee.

Selling your RV as a consignment unit with a RV dealership is a good idea because you have RV sales people, and a dealership showing your RV to potential buyers, instead of having to do it yourself. In addition to not having to marketing your own RV, a dealership can get customers financed and do other things that you can’t do as a private seller.

Is Owning An RV Worth It?

Owning an RV is definitely worth it if you're looking at it from the standpoint of creating amazing memories with your family and friends. The truth is that owning an RV is not a necessity, unless you're going to live in it, so owning one is usually just an extra.

But the greatest thing that makes owning an RV worth it is the ability to travel anywhere, while building great memories. Having an RV makes going to the Grand Canyon, a national park, or even just your local RV park simple... Not to mention the memories that you will create with the people you love most will be priceless.

Not to mention, owning an RV is usually less expensive than taking regular family vacations. With the cost of airfare, hotels, and entertainment, you can easily spend thousands of dollars on a family vacation. To own an RV, you will usually have a couple hundred dollar monthly payment, and minimal fees to stay at campgrounds. This means your family can travel to any state in the US and create memories for a lower cost than it would take to organize a family vacation.

Therefore if you love building memories, and having a great time with the ones you love the most, then owning an RV will be worth it for you!

What Is The Right RV Sales Mindset?

To be a top producing RV salesperson, you have to have the right mindset.

RV sales are tough, because your customers are buying a want. An RV is not a car that someone needs on a daily basis to live. Your customers are buying an RV because they want to travel, create memories, and to spend their time the way they want to spend it.

This means that if your sales mindset isn’t to find your customer the RV that fits their needs and helps them meet their goals, then you won’t close many RV sales.

On the contrary, if your sales mindset is to ask questions so you learn what your customers true desires are and then sell to those desires, you will close a lot of RV sales.

To have the right mindset as an RV salesperson, you have to be ready to overcome objections, get past rejection, and build visions in your customers mind so they buy an RV today instead of in 5 years.

How Does Body Language Affect Your RV Sales?

Some RV sales people underestimate how much their body language affects their RV sales. Customers buy from RV sales people who they enjoy being around. Customers don’t buy from RV sales people who they don’t enjoy or trust, and this is why your body language is such a big deal.

By invading a girls space and being in their “bubble”, you can make a female feel uncomfortable, and make them not want to buy from you.

If you’re selling to a male and you keep butting heads with them, and are unable to recognize that your body language is coming off wrong, then you won’t be able to close RV sales.

To be a top producing sales person you have to make sure your body language is saying the right thing to your customers.

You have to know when to look them in their eyes, and how to shake their hands.

You have to know how to approach them, and how not to invade their space.

Your body language is a big deal in RV sales, and if you don’t master your body language, it will cost you deals.

Is Being Likable Important For RV Sales People?

Being likable is important for RV sales people because customers buy from sales people that they feel they know, like, and trust.

If you’re an RV salesperson who comes off to your customers as someone they don’t like or someone they can’t trust, then they will take their business elsewhere.

This is why it is important to be likeable as an RV salesperson, because you will close more sales when your customers like you and you won’t close deals if your customers don’t like you.

Make sure you’re an RV salesperson who your customers like and who they can trust, and watch how many more RVs you sell.

How Many RVs Should I Show My Customer To Close More Sales?

Some RV sales people think, the more RVs they show the better, but this is not the truth.

The more RVs you show a customer, the lower your closing percentage will go.

The reason being, if you have to show your customer more than 3 RVs then you don’t truly understand their needs and wants.

So what you do is show your customers RV after RV, hoping they buy one of them.

What a good RV salesperson does is interview and qualify their customers till they understand their true needs and wants.

Once they understand their customers true needs and wants, they show them 1-3 RVs and the customer will buy the one that is perfect for them.

If your customer isn’t ready to buy a RV after 1-3 RVs, then you didn’t do a good enough job on the interview and qualify.

Start showing 3 RVs or less to close more RV sales.

Is It Better To Show Many RVs To My Customer, Or A Few Of The Right RVs?

It’s always better to show a few perfect RVs to your customer than to show every RV on your lot to the customer.

RV customers get confused when you show them too many RVs.

If you want to close more deals, the best thing to do is get better at your interview and qualify.

When you do a good interview and qualify you learn your customers deepest desires, and be able to fulfill them with your RVs.

By showing your customer quality over quantity, you will help them make a decision on the perfect RV instead of confusing them with your lot.

Show fewer RVs to close more sales.

How Important Is The Write Up For RV Sales?

The write up might be the most important part of the deal, because with one, you will never close a deal.

To take a customer through an RV sales process, and not giving them a write up, is a sales mistake.

Your customers deserve a write up because they need the numbers to make a decision on if they should buy the RV or not.

If you don’t give them a write up, they won’t have the information they need to make a decision and you will never get them to close today.

When you give your customers a write up, you’re increasing your chances of closing the deal and you’re giving your customers the information they deserve. Make sure you give 100% of your customers a write up and you will close more RV sales.

How Many No's Should I Go For In RV Sales?

It always takes more No’s to get a yes. Think about it, our kids ask us for snacks and after 10 No’s we give them a yes.

The same idea applies in RV sales, if you go for 10 no’s you will eventually get a yes.

When you do a good interview and qualify and you understand that your RV is the thing that will help your customers live their best life, it is now your obligation to sell the RV.

If you’re an RV salesperson who gives up on the 1st, 2nd, or 4th No then you will never get a yes.

Get in the habit of going for more than 5 no’s so that you can get more yeses in your RV sales.

The more no’s you go for, the more sales you will make, so keep going for those no’s and you will eventually get your yes!

What Info Should You Gather From Your Customer When Selling RVs?

When you’re an RV salesperson, the more info you have the better but you at least better have a name, email and phone number.

If you don’t have your customers best contact information than it is going to be hard to follow up with your customer, and riches are in the follow up.

When you’re working with walk in leads or phone ups, make sure you get the customers name, email and phone number.

This way you can have a way to reach out to your customer and follow up during your RV sales process.

Because at the end of the day you need your customers information to sell more RVs!

What's The Best Way To Handle Your Customer's RV Trade In?

The best way to handle your customers RV trade is to make sure your customer is reasonable on their trade. Customers believe their RV trades are perfect and worth a million dollars, and as RV sales people we know that most customers won’t like their trade number.

But how do we overcome the objection of giving our customers a lower trade number then they want? We give them a low ball trade number off the top of our head, by saying something like, “I had a customer last week that traded in a very similar RV, and we ended up giving up $7,000 for his trade. So what I can promise is that I will get you the most I possibly can out of your trade, but I doubt it will be close to the $15,000 you want for it. Let me go see how much my sales manager will put in your RV and we can go from there. Sound fair enough?”

The reason you give them a low ball number is so that your customer is expecting a low number. When they get past the initial shock of you telling them their $15,000 trade in is probably worth closer to $7,000, reality sets in.

They start to anticipate a low number when you come back and if you’re able to get them $10,000 or even just $8,000, well your customer is up at least $1,000 up on their trade. Instead of if you go the other way, your customer will be looking at your numbers and thinking you’re $5,000 or $7,000 off.

When you use this tactic, and couple it with a true story on how you had a customer take a $7,000 for a similar trade, it says to your customer, “Our numbers are fair, or other RVers wouldn’t be making deals with us and parting with their trades. So trust us like other RV buyers do, and lets do business today.”

Where Should You Interview Your Customer In RV Sales?

When you’re interviewing your customers in RV sales it should be in your office. If you don’t have an office, then you need to close your customers at the same place you will ask them to buy.

The reason you don’t want to interview your customers while they’re walking the dealership lot, or out in the showroom is because you want them to get used to your office and the place you’re going to try and close them.

It is almost impossible to close a RV sale if you’re interviewing your customers where they want to be interviewed at, and allowing them to control your sale.

Take control of your customers and explain to them why you need to interview them, and simply walk to your office. When you ask your customers to come to your office, they may say no, but if you explain why you need to interview them and simply walk to your office, they will follow 99% of the time.

Stop letting your customers control the RV sale and start interviewing them where you’re going to close them.

What Are The Best Questions To Ask Customers In RV Sales?

What Are Some Big Mistakes That RV Sales People Make?

There are some common mistakes that RV salespeople make and its costing them RV sales.

  1. Not setting intentions early
  2. Never explaining the buying process
  3. Not having enough detail after your interview and qualify
  4. Just going surface level with questions
  5. Showing too many RVs
  6. Letting the customer control the sale
  7. Closing towards features instead of emotion
  8. Going back to selling after trying for a close
  9. Not enough phone calls/activity to exceed goals
  10. Bad/No follow up process
  11. Not getting customer Google and Facebook reviews

If you’re in RV sales and work on your weak areas from this list you will be sure to close more RV deals.

RV sales are tough and if you don’t have the right RV sales process, it is even harder.

Make sure you don’t make these mistakes to sell more RVs.

Should RV Sales People Find Their Own Leads, Or Is That The RV Dealerships Job?

All RV sales people should be getting their own leads.

When you’re a RV salesperson who is managing walk in leads, phone calls, dealership leads, and getting your own leads, you will be talking to more customers and sales is a numbers game.

The more customers you talk to, the more customers you show RVs to, the more chance you have to make a sale.

If you want to be a top producing RV sales person then make sure you aren’t just following up with your dealership provided leads but that you’re getting your own leads!

What Is The Best Way To Greet A RV Customer?

The best way to greet a RV customer is first with a warm hello and handshake, followed by setting your intentions early and explaining your buying process.

Your customers don’t like the unknown, and if they don’t know your buying process than explaining it to them will lower their defences.

When introducing yourself to your RV customers, say something like this:

Sales - “Welcome to our dealership, what can I help you find?”

Customer - “We’re just here to look.”

Sales - “Ok, I hear what you’re saying. Let me ask you this, have you ever bought from our dealership before?”

Customer - “No.”

Sales - “Ok, great. We are a one price dealer, so we don’t haggle and negotiate. The way we do business here is we first learn exactly what you’re looking for by asking a few questions. Once we learn exactly what you’re looking for, I will take a look at my inventory for a couple RVs that meet your needs and then we will go out to the lot and take a look at them. After I demo the RVs for you, we will come back inside, I will show you what those RVs will cost you out the door and give you an estimated monthly payment, and if the RV is perfect for you then you will buy it. If it’s not, no big deal, we will keep looking for an RV that meets your needs exactly. Does that sound fair enough?”

When you greet your customers like this, you will set up the rest of the sale, and make it easier for you to take your customer through the RV buying process.

How Do You Get Answers To Hard Questions In RV Sales?

The way to get answers for hard questions in RV sales it to explain to your customers why you need what you’re asking for.

For example, if you’re asking your customer for their credit score so you can give them a ballpark monthly payment, but they won’t give it to you, you could say something like this:

Sales - “I hear that you don’t want to give me your credit score but I can’t give you an honest monthly payment without your credit score. Just give me a ballpark on your credit score, that way I can give you an honest monthly payment estimate. Does that sound fair enough?”


Sales - “I hear you don’t want to tell me what you want out of your trade, but it actually benefits you to tell me what you want out of your trade. The way our trade numbers work here is we give you the NADA book price, so if you want more than book and you don’t tell me, I won’t be able to ask for more in your trade. If you tell me what you want for your trade than I can use it to your advantage to get you the best trade number on your trade in. Does that make sense?”

Customer - “Yes that makes sense.”

Sales - “Ok great, how much did you want for your trade?”

When you explain to your customers why you need the info you’re asking for and finish the statement with “sound fair enough”, your customers will have nothing to do but agree and give you the info.